The idea of blogging was to be able to keep up on the in's and out's of our family....apparently we have not done so well over the summer. So here is a quick wrap up of what our summer was like........
The End!!
Ok, so that is what it seemed like. I swear every morning I woke up and it was time to turn the page on the calendar to the next month. Britten and Kameron spent a lot of time just playing this summer. Britten golfed every Wednesday through August in a Jr. Golf Association with his cousin and a friend from school. This is the 4th year he has done so, and loves it. Jason is very jealous, he has golfed a total of twice so far. I also think he is afraid that Britten will be better then he is in a couple of years. Britten also attended his last year of Cub Scout Day Camp. He really enjoys scouts and loves the camp. He came home with a new favorite thing...Archery. When I was young, I took an archery class through the city. I remember practicing in my back yard and being pretty good. One day at my parents house, my dad got out my old bow and arrow. It was fun to see Britten using it. Of course, if Britten does something, Kameron has to do it too. So he gave it a try. He definitely is not strong enough, but he is one determined little boy. The poor apple tree in the backyard ended up with some battle scars, but the boys had a great time.
July was very crazy at our house. With Jason being in the Bishopric and over the youth in our ward, he spend a lot of time with them. Every weekend there was some sort of activity he needed to attend. Between Youth Conference, High Adventure Camp, and Girls Camp....those weekends were comprised of the boys and I trying to keep ourselves entertained. However, I think Jason learned just how fun a bunch of teenage girls can be. We have no girls so this was his taste of being submerged in pink, princess power. I must say though, he came home with some great stories from each Camp and Conference and we now have a little more insight into what is coming in the not too distant future for Britten.
Britten and Jason went on the yearly trip to Island Park, ID towards the end of July. It was the only weekend Jason did not have youth church duties to fulfill. Britten looks forward to this trip every year. They had a great time. Between the fishing, eating, playing in dirt, eating, floating the river, eating, swimming, eating and spending time with the Krantz clan, it could not have been a better time.
August brought the "dog" days of summer....meaning my kids were about tired of each other come then. They decided it was no longer fun to get along, they would rather fight like dogs...and cats. I usually am ready for my kids to start school come August, however this year school for them did not start until after Labor Day in September. I never thought the day would come. We tried to do fun Back-To-School supply shopping and the fun only lasted for a day. My kids take after their dad and don't much care for shopping at all. In a way that is a blessing because they don't care what I buy for them to wear.
Mom wins!!...for now. Britten was pretty insistent on the pair of shoes he wanted this year. Unfortunately, they did not come in his size the particular color he wanted, so he a had to take his second choice, Red.
Finally the first school day rolled around and after the traditional Back-To-School haircuts and blessings by Jason and my dad, the boys were ready to go! Britten is always excited for school. If I was as smart as he is, I would have been too. Kameron was also ready for year two of Preschool with is new teacher Miss Kate. I was asked to be the Membership Chair for Britten's school PTA. It has been a fun and enlightening experience. I now see more then ever the importance that we as parents play in our children's education. While I may not agree with all the National PTA ideas, I am certainly happy to volunteer to help out a teacher anyway I can and help the school meet it's goals for educating not only my children, but for the others as well.
Jason and I are winding down our yearly house project and will be starting our next one pretty soon. That is what occupies our weekends for the most part. I must thank my dad, Jason's dad, Kevin(Jason's brother) and Dan(our brother-in-law) . Without their help, we would still be holding sheet rock, paint brushes and trying to start our house on fire.
The boys and I miss Jason on Sunday's but we also understand what important work he is doing for the members of our ward. It is also fun to watch him "blossom" as his dad put it, into a more confident, caring, hardworking, selfless, and loving person. He is my best friend and I am grateful everyday that I have the privledge to be married to such an amazing guy and dad.
I know there is a ton of stuff I missed, but those are some of the highlights. One thing I did not mention that is a definite highlight is that in August, we got a new niece and Kameron & Britten got a new cousin. Sweet Baby Jane was born to Jason's sister Karen and her husband Adam.
Here's to a great school year...until next time.............



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Glad my kids aren't the only ones who decide its time to fight when August rolls around! Two months would be the perfect summer vacation!