I did not think things around our house could get any crazier. Christmas is suppose to be the most "stressful" time of the year as well as the most enjoyable, right? I think we topped that in the last couple of weeks. We have been looking forward to Jason starting his new job that comes with a new schedule. Hurray!! I finally get my husband and father every evening...and awake! Many days he would come home from work and would sit on the couch or chair and be snoring in less then 2 minutes. I had begun to formulate all the fun things we could do after the kids got home. We could do a lot of reading with them, play, work on homework, go for walks, play basketball in the driveway, baseball in the backyard...you get the idea. I was truly looking forward to a "normal" schedule.
Dun, Dun, Dun.....
The phone rings...I answer....we meet with a member of our Stake Presidency and WhaaBammm Jason is called to be the first councilor in our Bishopric!!! There goes all my great plans!!
Now, don't get me wrong, I am super excited for him. This will be a great experience for our family and mostly for him. I had to remind myself that for the last 6 years, our family has had him all to ourselves. We got him home every other week...all day, all night, for seven straight days! I loved, loved, loved it! And now, we are being asked to share. I was never very good at that. The crazy thing about all of this, is that up until one week ago, Jason would have never been able to serve effectively in a Bishopric with his previous schedule. This past Sunday, Jason was set apart as a member of the Bishopric, and on Monday, he started his new job and new schedule. Now some might say it is just a coincidence, I am absolutely, 100% sure, this was by divine design.
Now we are looking forward to enjoying dad when we can. Granted, he won't be gone every night. Between meetings, mutual, and Sunday's, that takes out a couple evenings a week and then Sunday. I am sure we will adjust and find what works for us around his schedule. I can't even imagine what the summer months are going to bring. Girls Camp, Scout Camp, High Adventurer Camp, Youth Conference, ward activities, and the list goes on. All of which he will be asked to spend time with....without us.
Sunday, February 12 -
Today was the first Sunday with Jason on the stand. I must say, it is a little strange to see him up there. Kameron kept asking if he could go sit with dad. I know he just doesn't understand this whole transition. To make it simple, I told Kameron that dad gets to help the all the people in our ward, and when he is sitting on the stand, his job is to move the microphone up and down. He was very excited at that thought, and begged to go help.
So begins my sojourn flying solo on the comfy bench seats for the next 2 1/2 years, give or take. Luckily, I have a great helper in Britten. He is my gopher and he helps keep Kameron entertained. I am glad he somewhat understands what his dad is doing. I am not sure he understands the magnitude but he mostly gets it.
I am truly grateful for this opportunity. I know Jason and our family will be blessed because of his choice to serve. I now have to practice my patience. Something I have NEVER been very good at. Obviously I have a lot to learn from this experience too.



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Congratulations to your family! My father passed away 2 years ago, and I have done a lot of thinking about him and his influence on me. He served diligently in the church his whole life, and his service made me so proud of him...and by extension, it helped me feel good about myself. Kids need that! You will be blessed!
ReplyDeleteYay! I found your blog!! Just know that if you ever need anything quick while Jason's out...we're only a hop over the fence away!