Okay, so maybe it's a step above frightful. It's downright scary. I know I just posted recently, but I thought I would throw this one out there for anyone who was not here for our little wind storm. The gusts were reported at 103 mph in Centerville. I have never driven so white knuckled to work before. When I left our house it was breezy, but when I hit Farmington I had to hold on for dear life. I believe that there were at least 10 reported Semi-trucks that blew over. Davis County Golf Course reported a final number of 419 trees that blew over or were damaged beyond saving. School was canceled, the power was off, and on, and off, and on until 6:30 Thursday night at our house. Others had no power until the next evening. We even had church meetings on Sunday either shortened or canceled with the members being advised to go help get the neighborhoods cleaned up. This was in anticipation of a second wind event that could have possibly hit on Sunday night, into Monday (The original storm was on Thursday, Dec. 1st.) Staci's parents lost 3\4 of their shingles. My mom and dad lost all the siding on their chimney, as well as an apple tree, and my old basketball hoop. Staci's grandparents probably had the most damage, with approximately 20 - 25 trees blown over in their yard. One tree, as it was uprooted, actually severed their sewer line. After all the dust cleared, and the cleanup was underway, it sank in just how blessed we really are. Utah rarely has tornadoes. No hurricanes. Staci and I were extremely blessed to not even lose a shingle. Hopefully this is a once in a lifetime storm. I posted a few pictures of the damage.
It was even scary for my tough Britten. After literally being blown home from school, he was so afraid we might blow away. He sat in our recliner with a book and kept saying, "If I read, then it will keep my mind off the wind." He was afraid the roof would blow off our house. Kameron on the other hand wanted to know why he couldn't go out and play. Needless to say, we are all so grateful to be safe, to have people around us who care, and to have survived the Dec. 1st wind event.